This has been a "going-back-to-basics" sort of week. Unfortunately we've been having quite a number of investigators drop off, or give us the "too busy" card, so we spent some time building our teaching pool back up via tracting. It hasn't yeilded a lot of success yet, but we have faith to just keep trying! As for Chris, Jacob and Adam they are all doing well and are still coming to church, always a bonus. Adam's gearing up for the Melchizedek Priesthood come Stake Conference in September, which is really exciting!
This past week we had a trade-off up in Armidale. I really enjoy those trade-offs, especially since my old companion from Summer Hill, Elder Bettridge, is up there, so we get to catch up and always enjoy the time together :)
One lesson that really impacted me this week was with Greg and Kathy. We decided to just rock up and ended up having a great afternoon with each other. From start to finish, the conversation was based on gospel principles and other church-related topics, and the spirit was just so strong. It basically turned into a sort of makeshift-testimony meeting, and we all were able to just sit back and enjoy the company of not only each other, but the Holy Ghost as well. It just felt good.
About every 2 or 3 weeks we stop by and visit this less-active man and his family. He is very nice, and usually we chat for awhile and then end up sharing a mormon message or something. Well this week I decided to take a step forward and invite him- and his non member family- to take the lessons. He politely, but firmly, declined. When I asked why he explained that he didn't mind the short videos or little thoughts, but he didn't want to do something that would expect him or his family to do anything. Basically, he didn't want to change. It makes me so sad to think that some people, such as this man, are missing out on so many blessings and opportunities simply because they hold the mentality of "couldn't be bothered".
Come to think of it, quite a number of less-active members I have met over the course of my mission seem to have the same symptoms: laziness. Not wanting to come to church or read or pray not because they don't believe it's true, or have a testimony or not desire the blessings- but simply because they can't seem to find the time, or the energy, to do those very things. I am learning more and more that this church, this gospel is not a passive one, not one that "if you have time" to fit it in, but one that we need to make time to fit in. It reminds me of a FHE we had at the Fordham's once, where Aunt Suzi had sugar, gumballs, and a big jar. When she put all the sugar into the jar first, not all of the gumballs fit. But when she put the gumballs first, then the sugar, it all magically fit inside. How true that is in our lives- if we put other things above God (remember the 1st commandment), then naturally the things of God will fall out of our lives. It's so important to always actively keep the Lord in our everyday experiences.
Well an Aussieism I want to share is to commemorate the closing of Summer break for you all in the states and to celebrate the Spring coming over here in Australia. They all call sunglasses "Sunnies", and as for swimsuits, there are a few names- "Swimmers" or "Cozzies" are the most common. I finally found out how in the world they got "Cozzies" for a swimsuit- "Swimming Costume" was the proper English name for a swimsuit back in the day, so of course all the convicts down here Aussified it by adding the 'ies'.
I love you all heaps and hope you have a great week!
Love Elder Easton
p.s. Shout-out to Sally for her birthday today (I guess tomorrow for all of you) and also for Katie and Irv! Good luck on Saturday!
Photo: Elder Bettridge and I "tearing" it up in Armidale.. haha.
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