What an incredible week it has been.
Saturday was incredible- both Jacob and Chris were baptized!! It was a very spiritual day. Elder Tavalea and I did our studies in the morning, had lunch, then spent the entire day at the chapel preparing the two services. Jacob's was at 2pm- his Grandpa came up from Canberra to baptize him. It was a great turn-out, and even Jacob's non-member mom came to see it! Certainly some big miracles. Jacob really is a light to his whole family- following his baptism, he began putting the pressure on his mom and dad to get married so they can "stop breaking the law of chastity". Haha. What a great kid!
Following the baptism, we began setting up for Christine's. Everything went smoothly- she showed up on time, all the speakers came, it was great. Christine asked me to baptize her, which was a really big honor. I was really nervous for some reason, but as I stood in the freezing cold water (and boy was it freezing!) I said a silent prayer and suddenly felt a whole lot warmer. As I raised my arm to the square, I really focused on the words I was saying. When I got to the part "Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ", the Spirit hit me so strong. I felt so assured that I really have been commissioned of Jesus Christ Himself- this calling, this mantle we have as missionaries, as members of the church, is so real. I don't think I ever felt as sure as I did standing in that water that we really do have the Priesthood, that this really is the Restored Church. And what a tender mercy that was.
Another highlight from Chris's baptism was the musical number. All of Matt's daughters (Matt, our investigator) have beautiful singing voices, so we asked them to do a song for the baptism. We went over a few times during the week to teach them "When I am baptized", and they did an amazing job. Everyone was so touched by the little girls all singing, and they certainly felt the Spirit. The best part is that Matt came up to us after and told us that he really wants Ruby to be baptized before the end of the transfer- he can't be baptized yet, but Ruby really wants to be and he thinks it's time. How wonderful is that?!
Earlier this week we had a trade-off with the Zone Leaders so that they could interview the baptismal candidates. I was with Elder Mauigoa, an Elder from Hawaii. It was a blast! We had some good laughs and saw some awesome miracles. We really focused on "Creating Sacred Space" as President Howes says, or basically making an uplifting environment by talking about spiritual experiences and other positive things. We took some time to dwell on what we have learned and how we have grown over the course of our missions- and it was really encouraging to realize how far I've personally come! I think for myself, I've been learning a lot more about patience, faith, and seeing everyone as who they are- a child of God. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a person and judged their response to the gospel before even asking them- and nearly every time I've been surprised by their response. I think this is so true in all aspects of life- not taking the time to find out the hearts of people, of getting to know them instead of going with how they look or what others say about them- could mean all the difference. I suppose the person who said "Don't judge a book by its cover" wasn't so far off.
As for a spiritual thought~ Saturday we woke up to stormy clouds and pounding rain. I love rain. It rained all day, and all night, and it's still raining now- I just thought it was so perfect for the baptisms. That Primary song says it just right- "I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain". I thought about the rain in relation to the change and the cleansing that both Jacob and Chris have undergone. How indescribable it is to think that we really can be made clean, but how true it is. Just as dry, dead Tamworth can spring to life and become green again, so can even the most dismal of circumstances be made fresh, the most sinful of people be made clean- but it's only by the power of Christ, through the Atonement, that it is done. "He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon him... and with his stripes,we are healed."
Lastly, an Aussieism: "on the Dole" refers to someone who is out of work, either because they truly can't find work, or they just can't be bothered. Usually it's the second. Quite often others will joke when they see someone sitting down or taking a break- "What are you, on the dole?" or "Get off the dole, get to work!". I think I even heard once, "Stop dole-in' around!".
Well, I love you all heaps! Have a great week, and enjoy that warm summer for me.
Much love,
Elder Easton
Elder Tavalea, Jacob, and I!Elder Tavalea, Christine, and I!
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