Hey All, Looks likes I'm one week closer to heading out to the field! I am here to tell you that miracles do happen... because MY VISA CAME IN! Hallelujah! At least I think it did, I got my travel plans today!! I leave on the 30th at 6:10pm to LAX, where I get in at 7:05. I have a lay-over there until 10:10 pm, and then it's a straight shot to Sydney where I arrive at 6:10 am October 2nd! I am so excited!! It's going to be an anxious week for me, getting ready to peace out! In other news, a weird thing happened last Sunday. Instead of being released as Zone Leader, they kept both Elder South and I in and called a third Zone Leader, Elder Nelson. We got to train him this week and then we'll be released on Sunday and he'll be the new trainer. I'm super glad I got an extra week in this assignment, it's been so much fun to work with everyone and even skip class a few times, haha.
On Tuesday, a new group of Korean Natives came in. Only two of the eight speak English so it's been really fun trying to talk with them. My Korean hasn't really improved, but I'm working my hardest on it. They are such nice people and every time I talk with them it makes me excited to get out there and start teaching (er, trying to teach haha)
Wednesday marked 50 days in the mission for me (not that I'm counting or anything!) It is incredible how much time has flown by already. We got some new arrivals in the MTC, one of them being Ashley Dyer, believe it or not! I ran into her this morning in the laundry room, she's headed to Brazil! It took her a minute to remember me, but she asked how Katie was doing! She got our address and said she wants to write Kate sometime. Hopefully you'll get a letter from her soon!
Earlier this week I had the awesome opportunity to host new couple missionaries coming in! My job was kinda dumb, all I did was walk them across the parking lot from their car to the bookstore, but it was still fun to talk to them. There were some going to Missouri, some to Africa, some to Church headquarters and even a couple heading to Lyon, France (What used to be dad's mission!). Seeing all of them come in made me think of Grandma and Grandpa being missionaries and doing the same thing, and also made me imagine when mom and dad will go on their mission. It was definitely worth giving up some time to do.
Our devotionals this week were awesome. On Tuesday we had a 70 come, Elder Schwitzer, who's actually from Cottonwood Heights! I didn't recognize him or his family, but it was fun to hear about home. He talked about becoming a missionary, really striving not to just go on a mission but to live a mission, to be converted not just by going through the motions but by truly putting your heart into it.
Which leads me to my spiritual thought for the week. My district made a goal this week to live out missions with "No Regret". That means being able to look back after two years and to really feel like we did all we could to serve the Lord. For me I realized that that means utilizing my time better, for it's not really my time but the Lord's. I've tried to consistently remind myself whenever my mind wanders or I take too long of breaks why I'm here and what I'm doing, and it really helps. I think it's important in life, too, to strive to always be your best so that you can be satisfied with how you acted. Obviously it's impossible to go through life without ANY regrets, but I think that's what makes the Atonement so beautiful- as long as we do our best, it'll take care of the rest. I have such a strong testimony of that.
I love you all and thanks for all the prayers, especially about my VISA. In just two short weeks I'll be writing you from the land down under!!
Much Love,
Elder Easton
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